• #2202
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• #2203
Nicked!? That’s awful.
• #2204
Good to see some nice garlic around, ours have been pitifully small this year. Not worth a photo even. My hunch is just too wet through most of June. Oh well, next year!
• #2205
No not even nicked. Just dissolved into nothing.
• #2206
Weird. Had they grown at all or just the cloves gone? You got photos or is there nothing left?
• #2207
I completely pulled up the bed and replaced it. Went through the soil and even dug down ... nothing. I’m pretty sure I put about 50 in.
• #2208
Birds will have them to eat. Had you covered them?
• #2209
There were under about 6” of horse manure
• #2210
Well rotted or fresh? If fresh it could have just rotted the bulbs as the manure will hold a lot of water.
• #2211
This is a long shot but is your allotment on an old Indian burial ground?
• #2212
My evening in pictures
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• #2213
^ looks like a shitty job.
• #2214
Sorta allotment, lifted the garden planter onions and garlic this morning, now covered until I decide what to put in next.
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• #2215
Bit hot now, cycled up early, loads of weeding and tidying up, glorious morning
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• #2216
My sister took the lid off the compost bin down the allotment and a rat jumped out. She peered in the bin and there was a nest of pink, hairless babies. The council are coming to sort it out.
• #2217
First potatoes today, dug about 1x0.5m area and got a load. Still way more in the ground so will have potatoes for months by the looks of it!
• #2218
My first earlies (foremost) have been weird. Only about two plants got flowers on them and loads really small and unhealthy looking. I’ll dig them out in the next few days. Seconds and main crop looking better.
• #2219
Seconds and mains also did much better.
• #2220
Went down to water the plot last night in the dark. Slugs were everywhere. Mullering my squash. Almost considering pellets.
• #2221
Glad it’s not just me.
• #2222
Just been up to do some watering, toms are coming along nice. It’s fun to see the shapes emerging as most of ours are a mixed bag of plants give to us. Good variety of salad and beasts coming out.
Pulled up a tarp yesterday that was covering a bed that we’d sown waaay too much green manure in and fucked it for growing this season. It looks like it’s rotting away nicely, forked it over, added a few barrows of topsoil and put the tarp back. Will take some cardboard up next week and hopefully start digging over the other beds that are finishing up soon.
Wildflowers are looking fine, I don’t even really care that the undeveloped areas are covered in nettles again.
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• #2223
Don’t do it!!!!
I gave up pellets two years ago. Have you considered using cut up lengths of bramble? You place them around the plant
• #2224
I thought barriers etc like this were no good against slugs as they burrow?
• #2225
Then nematodes is the answer
I planted about 50 garlic bulbs and they have disappeared from the bed I planted them in. Not one