My aim is to mount a strong bottle cage to take a sole 1 litre bidon on the down tube as the seat tube is occupied by a frame-fitting pump. There are no braze-on bottle mounts on the frame and I would like to leave the decals intact so I have ordered a pair of the second version of Zefal Gizmo mounts to try.
Meanwhile, I came across the Wolf Tooth Morse Cage, which they originally commissioned King Cage to manufacture, but is now made in-house. This bottle cage allows a generous 32mm of lengthwise movement in the placement of the cage, which is half the distance between the 64mm spacing of standard bottle cage mounts. I went for the Ti version which seems strongly made and it feels light as a feather (32g), as no stainless steel ones are available anywhere.
My aim is to mount a strong bottle cage to take a sole 1 litre bidon on the down tube as the seat tube is occupied by a frame-fitting pump. There are no braze-on bottle mounts on the frame and I would like to leave the decals intact so I have ordered a pair of the second version of Zefal Gizmo mounts to try.
Meanwhile, I came across the Wolf Tooth Morse Cage, which they originally commissioned King Cage to manufacture, but is now made in-house. This bottle cage allows a generous 32mm of lengthwise movement in the placement of the cage, which is half the distance between the 64mm spacing of standard bottle cage mounts. I went for the Ti version which seems strongly made and it feels light as a feather (32g), as no stainless steel ones are available anywhere.
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