Ended up with a Shimano rc7 at £130 that has the same features as £200+ shoes, super happy with it. Champagne taste on a beer budget worked out for once. (Fine, more like a Franciacorta)
I feel like the shoe fit is rather a sales feature than a standalone service. They do the shoe fit, so that you buy the ((product)) off them. Makes sense. But if no shoe fit my budget, but they gave me recommendations on what to look for, I was happy to guarantee another £380 (bikefit+insoles, service+product) spent with them within the next 6 months, and wanted their sales efforts to be written off of that if I paid for the shoe fit at the time. I think thats not unreasonable to ask.
Why didnt I just go straight for the bikefit, that also includes the insole fit and shoe fit?
Because my shoes at the time literally fallen apart so I needed something asap, and as a furloughed hospitality worker, didnt exactly have £580 laying around for this purpose (shoes+insoles+fit).And after all this, I will still go to them for my bikefit, because I admire the care and passion they put in their work, especially around feet. And ive got fussy feet. I had a pair of custom insoles made 5 years ago for running and walking at Footfactor for the same reason. They cost me £500. All ankle/foot pain gone literally the next day. Bought some other cheaper alternatives since, they didnt work out that well at all.
TL;DR: Problems with your feet? Dont be skint, lol.
No. I live in the U.S., ordered them from G8 directly and fitted them myself. I had a good idea of what I needed from them though so am using a 4 (out of 5) support in my left slammed back, a 3 in my right slightly further forward than slammed back, a 2 (out of 3) varus wedge in each shoe and the smaller sized metatarsal dome in each shoe. Seems to have alleviated all pain and numbness that I was having but have only done 2 sub 2 hour rides so far. A long ride with lots of climbing on Saturday will be the real test.
I understand what you’re saying but good shoes aren’t cheap and I respect their decision to not want to sell consumers stuff they don’t believe are decent. Obviously they’re big on Lake and I personally think Lake are worth the cost. They’re insanely well constructed.
The fit cost can go towards the cost of shoes, though, right? If they put the cost of the shoe fit towards the cost of the insoles they’d only be charging £40 for the insoles? That doesn’t seem like a reasonable request from you in my opinion.