I didn't see this thread in time, but unfortunately there was never any way in which this bill wouldn't have passed. It's not just apathy, but sheer exhaustion because of deeply unjust government since 2010, when people's ability to protest was broken through a welter of evil policies. If I started to list the things that the Government has been doing just this month that are completely wrong, I'd still be sitting here tomorrow morning. Add to that increasing surveillance (in which many people participate quite enthusiastically), the way they've taken away the dole and (non-commercial) squatting, which were always mainstays of protesters, and the way in which elections are manipulated through arms-length organisations (I don't believe for one second that illegal F******* data isn't used any more, it's just gone completely quiet on that), as well as the usual rightwing press, and you can see where it's all heading.
Sure, people spend too much time in front of computers, and the Internet is the most distracting thing ever invented, but that's definitely not all of it. There are simply too many problems before you even start to mention the pandemic.
I didn't see this thread in time, but unfortunately there was never any way in which this bill wouldn't have passed. It's not just apathy, but sheer exhaustion because of deeply unjust government since 2010, when people's ability to protest was broken through a welter of evil policies. If I started to list the things that the Government has been doing just this month that are completely wrong, I'd still be sitting here tomorrow morning. Add to that increasing surveillance (in which many people participate quite enthusiastically), the way they've taken away the dole and (non-commercial) squatting, which were always mainstays of protesters, and the way in which elections are manipulated through arms-length organisations (I don't believe for one second that illegal F******* data isn't used any more, it's just gone completely quiet on that), as well as the usual rightwing press, and you can see where it's all heading.
Sure, people spend too much time in front of computers, and the Internet is the most distracting thing ever invented, but that's definitely not all of it. There are simply too many problems before you even start to mention the pandemic.