As a teacher, I can say that… pupils’ experience has varied hugely. Many pupils in the independent sector (where laptops are often mandatory) have literally not missed a lesson, and (albeit via a screen) have had virtually the same amount of live teacher time as they’d have had in a ‘normal’ situation. Now there are many reasons why remote learning really doesn’t work for some young people, but nonetheless many students in this environment have experienced little hindrance to their education.
In some state schools (please note I said ‘some’, not ‘all’) students had long periods of a few worksheets being posted home every fortnight and little if anything marked. My daughter’s primary school fell into this category.
These are necessarily sweeping and broad brush comments, doubtless with many exceptions, but like so much stuff under Covid, those with money have had it better.
What do you think about what to do next - are 'catch up' approaches needed or even constructive? If so what should they be trying to catch up on? I have a completely uninformed gut position, and feel ideas like extending the term or school day or repeating years are counterproductive, but happy to hear from someone with a view based in reality.
As a parent, what's your hot take? Also, any teachers here?