Oh cool I had no idea they were a sprung lever. Out of all the machines I've worked on the one that made the best coffee consistently was a sprung lever (one of these: https://www.shopcoffee.co.uk/product/machines/espresso-coffee-machines/fracino-coffee-machines/fracino-retro-lever-1-group/) Probably not economically viable to have in coffee shops due to the speed of operation though
Cool - that looks nice! Oddly enough I was up in Ferndale, a tiny little village in remote Northern California last week and they had an old two group Gaggia lever machine bubbling away. They’re not common at all here.
The Faemina is spring and two part piston - not unlike the commercial ones of the same period (Urania, president etc.) Hopefully it shouldn’t be too hard to blast apart…fingers crossed.
Yeah mine is the pre-pre Millennium, no p-stat and you need a pin wrench to get the group out. All good solid brass.
The Faemina needs total restoration. No idea how well they work when fixed up so I’ll have a bit of fun trying both once it’s done. I wanted to try a spring lever and it came up cheap online….