A few bits on. Vcls seatpost i picked up from @KieranHC a while ago and saddle out of the parts box. A bit of invisiframe on and bar and stem combo from CRC for £34 the stem is a stupid design with the back to front face bolts but nicely made and pretty light and the bars are nice and managed to reign the budget back in a bit with the bargain 3t cockpit so budget back on track for now.
A few bits on. Vcls seatpost i picked up from @KieranHC a while ago and saddle out of the parts box. A bit of invisiframe on and bar and stem combo from CRC for £34 the stem is a stupid design with the back to front face bolts but nicely made and pretty light and the bars are nice and managed to reign the budget back in a bit with the bargain 3t cockpit so budget back on track for now.
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