• #20027
I did a ride with a proper saddle bag fitted yesterday.
What, this?
• #20028
for when you need to carry a spare frame
• #20029
belugaXL lookin ass saddle bag
• #20030
This might help:
• #20031
@Cupcakes @Glws - or the cheaper alternative : https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/fr/fr/collier-de-rechange-guide-chaine-dmr/rp-prod745?gs=1&sku=sku4902&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=base&gclid=CjwKCAjwuIWHBhBDEiwACXQYsWoqwLkO3vl5i_zgdtH5pDeh7NKGh5uf0VI49cYfZyMk3vWebsJBphoChq4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
• #20032
Would not use those on a tapered fork leg
• #20033
Been doing it for years on my Surly
• #20034
I feel underrepresented by this chart. Bike bros matter.
• #20035
• #20036
i think one bolt and zip-tie(s) should offer plenty enough retention and friction for a small load.
it's for a carbon cdf fork, so the blade has variable section -
• #20037
Remember vibrations are your enemy.
I'd recommend securing a piece of bar tape to the fork at the contact point of the zip tie with some electical tape so that it's sandwiched between fork and cage. Also make sure the cut head of the zip tie does not touch the drybag or it will work through it pretty quickly. Useless to say, have spare ties with you.
• #20038
would love to have a go on a kibo
• #20039
then get disc tabs welded
• #20040
• #20041
Lets not normalise rim brakes on this side of Atlantic, JB is spearheading this in California but it never rains there.
Everyone riding off road needs disc brakes.
• #20042
they're honestly fine, ok yeah you may slip on the steeper stuff and be unable to come to a fall stop, and yes, one particularly muddy ride could take half your brake track, ok yes, they may squeel a little when wet, well ok yes, they require a 40£ tool to set up consistently and well im not denying it is a pain to find a 29r rim
but they look cute :)
• #20043
JB lives in California?
• #20044
live for the day where amey realises i'm not doing this rim brakes schtick as a bit and that i'm genuinely an unhealthy, rim brake fanatic, operating on pure ideology
• #20045
Jan, is that you?
• #20046
ok maybe i have like 10% materialism
• #20048
You need an e gravel biek
• #20049
• #20050
Why the fuck there's a dubious pinkish red light shining through the crank??
thank you, makes sense and worth a try