Very damp start, but dried after a couple of hours. Nothing much to report and no photos given the early weather. The run out to Holmes Chapel was a bit busy, but roads quietened down after that. Generally here did seem to be a higher-than-normal amount of impatient drivers in designer 4x4s. A lot of overtaking on blind bends or across solid lines. Tried to ignore it as best I could.
Used the new E-Brevet app for the first time, very quick and easy to set up in advance then just a case of hitting buttons at the controls. Can see it being handy for perms in the future.
Pretty good day out on The Budworths earlier.
Very damp start, but dried after a couple of hours. Nothing much to report and no photos given the early weather. The run out to Holmes Chapel was a bit busy, but roads quietened down after that. Generally here did seem to be a higher-than-normal amount of impatient drivers in designer 4x4s. A lot of overtaking on blind bends or across solid lines. Tried to ignore it as best I could.
Used the new E-Brevet app for the first time, very quick and easy to set up in advance then just a case of hitting buttons at the controls. Can see it being handy for perms in the future.