I did until the weather got c**p and now it's just doing the 700km, the hours have gone up as I'm doing the majority of it outside which nice.
Different bike will be nice, I really need to set up the TT bike but it needs painting as it was lockdown project that has never been finished :( The long weekend day is a great idea, I'll try that next weekend as having a full day rest or 2 would be lovely.
I've thought about gravel routes, e.g Peddlars way then across the coat path down to Aylsham and back down the Marriots way. It will be slow but a change of terrain will be fun
You;ve upped your mileage quite a bit in the summer, haven't you? That's bound to make you more tired so a normal reaction.
What can you change? eg can you ride more at a different time of day - given the daylight...? Different bike, etc? Give it a lash at the weekend and do 400km in 20+ hours on a Saturday, then take three days off?