Hard to know even if you only drop it once it may take about 30s if it happens early could lose 60-90s if your 10 hours deep and your fingers and thumbs stop cooperating. Just ordered Dan Bighams book so got to be many stones left unturned for me i reckon.
Oh yeah, that's another one on the list. I think I'd be better off spending some more on testing - small position changes are likely to have bigger impact than chainguide removal but it's getting a bit late in the game for this and I didn't really want to spend much more money on the TT setup.
Hard to know even if you only drop it once it may take about 30s if it happens early could lose 60-90s if your 10 hours deep and your fingers and thumbs stop cooperating. Just ordered Dan Bighams book so got to be many stones left unturned for me i reckon.