You say that but I'm sure I remember grinding a horrid big big gear somewhere. Maybe it was just the transfer and I was fucked. I've never fallen in such a massive hole at the end of a race before. At 10hr mark I was 50W down on target power. Proper massive collapse. The last 20min, when I thought I could at least get a PB/club rec, power was back up, only 10W off target.
If the weather's better and I can improve my fueling maybe I can do 300mi with no changes. Maybe.
Yeah, I was running a 58T for these shorter events. In the 10 I had no chain catcher and the chain bounced off when I was in the smaller cogs. I installed one of those plastic Aerocoach chainguides and then still managed to do the same thing on the ski slope R25 course. 6hrs of driving to unship a chain during a 25... I ran out of swear combos.
I'm not sure it's worth ditching my FD to save 3W especially given the Breckland course lost me a bottle due to the bumps. That's definitely chain go bye bye territory. Damn it though, I want those watts!