I don't want oval rings so the Aerocoach rings are out but I do need slightly lower gearing for the 12hr so I want a 54, 55 or 56T and there's some on TTF but they're NW.
I don't want to use NW if they're worse but the fact that D2Z are making NW rings makes me think there must be something to it and if NW meant I could actually get rid of my FD without chain drops I'd be a happy camper.
What else would I need to change to use NW rings?
Thanks btw
I don't want oval rings so the Aerocoach rings are out
I don't get on with oval rings, but the Aerocoach ones are only very slightly ovalized, and I've never had an issue with them. Also never dropped a chain yet with my Aerocoach chainring, despite having no chain retention device and racing on some pretty appalling road surfaces.
Jordan rapp studied this I'll try and post a working link but you can find it at rappstar.com 1x friction files but narrow wide rings showed no loss of efficiency due to increased friction as the teeth are taller but narrower. Approx 4w aero saving at 30mph for standard round aero/solid 1xring but aerocoach "claim" 5-6w at the same speed due to increased efficiency from their not oval oval shape. Shame their QC is dog shit