But that single use is....a really long time?
there are definitely circumstances where you need to break the brake line (for instance, if you have to send your frame back to the manufacturer for them to take a look at some damage) and do a bleed as a result, but otherwise there aren't many circumstances under which you should need to bleed your brakes. Until you start to experience loss of performance, in which case bleed the brakes. Or, in the case of Maguras apparently, you throw them away and get new ones.
Issue there is that it makes a £180 brake a single use item. I suppose it means you don’t need to buy brake pads anymore, but still feels a bit Golf Club++.
And, in direct contravention of our forum Mrs Havershams insistence on where the only acceptable money comes from, I’m sorry to report that I’m not an heir to a fortune made from the slave trade.