Two poles definitely gives more flexibility. For a flat, large tarp for two (without much wind) I generally go Flying V, can drop the tail into the wind if it picks up, just don’t put it side on as it won’t be quiet! Easy to put up, minimal kit required and easy to get good airflow which keeps condensation at bay.
If it’s just me then I’d generally go for a slightly smaller tarp, set up for the terrain/what’s around. Having two poles of different lengths is super handy, an extra pole at the back/feet end is super hand at increasing living room without increasing footprint. Could use a bike for this if you needed, but I find a pole more versatile. I just use some old dac tent poles cut down to size. Fold small enough for me, and cheap. I do use some trimmed wheel/hub protectors (the plastic round things) to act as feet which helps to stop the poles sinking into the ground.
Some thoughts here that I’ve found useful. Scale as necessary to the size of tarp you have!