Are you aware of the stronglifts 5x5 app?
Yes! I've used 5x5 before and probably going to use it once my garage set up is finished. It really helps having a bit of structure. I don't think I'll ever pay for any pt sessions as I learned a lot from my pal and still get help and info from him.
One thing that I'll need to look into is diet. I've never made any changes to what I eat, I'm not really aiming to get super ripped with minimal body fat or anything like that. More just good strength in my legs and work on my chest and shoulders, I'm naturally slender framed and bench press is my weakest point.
But I suppose that looking at diet and nutrition will help.
Just been reading through this thread for a bit.
A few years ago I started weight lifting, a close friend of mine is a strength and conditioning coach for a professional rugby team so I always had him basically giving me a free advise on form and technique etc in the gym. At the time I was 83kg and was focusing on back squats, dead lift and bench press. I got to the point where I could comfortably squat 95kg for 3 sets of 6 reps from memory. Getting to that point felt incredible, I remember the very first time I had an empty bar on my back and how awkward and heavy even the empty bar felt.
My pal moved away down south to work with a new team and sadly when he left I gradually stopped going to the gym.
I recently started going again and pretty much started from scratch with squats. I've built back up to squat 70kg just now and it feels heavy! I'm currently 90kg and 1.89m. A few months back I was 96kg and felt fat for the first time in my life.
It's strange just how bloody good I feel after squats. I've got a big garage that isn't really used for anything other than fucking about with my bikes. I've just received a fairly basic squat rack and bench and I'm setting up a mini gym in the garage. Olympic plates are really expensive...
Feels good to be lifting again, this thread is good motivation and I'll try log a bit of my progress here.