This has reminded me of the morning I was walking down Portobello Road and came upon Van the Man in a dirty, ill fitting, cheap suit, a vest and a pair of very old shoes... He looked like a brickie who'd just woken up in the pub and was on his way home...
That in turn reminded me of the Saturday morning I witnessed George Best, pissed as a fart, falling out of a cab and going straight into the Wellesley Arms at opening time... Bit depressing on both counts, alcohol makes you do strange things...
Had a mate who lived in Reading who would regularly go up to London on his day off because he knew George would be in the pub all day and would chat football to anyone who'd buy him drinks. Profoundly depressing.
Also worked for the insurance company who insured his health AFTER his liver transplant. Underwriters had paroxysms, but the Directors said it was worth it for the business he brought in.
We named our capital city's airport after that wifebeating drunk.
Proper sellout - you'd never get Van Morrison doing that. Though I would actually pay the licence fee to see Van on whatever Sunday Brunch is.