I’ve often wondered what the energy savings would be if people brewed their tea at, say 92 or 95c instead of a rolling boil.
Someone I spoke to recently drew parallels between Western consumerism and responses to trauma. No matter how evident it is that we’re being self-destructive, we simply refuse to change because of reasons we can’t fully comprehend (on a societal level; there are exemplary eco-conscious individuals here and out there).
I’ve often wondered what the energy savings would be if people brewed their tea at, say 92 or 95c instead of a rolling boil.
Someone I spoke to recently drew parallels between Western consumerism and responses to trauma. No matter how evident it is that we’re being self-destructive, we simply refuse to change because of reasons we can’t fully comprehend (on a societal level; there are exemplary eco-conscious individuals here and out there).