For those keen of interest, and that doesn't include me.
It turns out people express an interest in their shift availability by writing in the cell "Y" or "N". The allocators then turn the cell yellow or blue respectively, and then write in the time.
I've made them a sheet where people can express interest for a date.
Then the sheet that tells them their hours allocated goes yellow or blue and then the allocator adds their time in.
to calculate hours worked i used
and i'm going with a simple sum per column for hours available per day.
I sppose i can add in a countifnotblank so i can get the number of people working a day too.
For those keen of interest, and that doesn't include me.
It turns out people express an interest in their shift availability by writing in the cell "Y" or "N". The allocators then turn the cell yellow or blue respectively, and then write in the time.
I've made them a sheet where people can express interest for a date.
Then the sheet that tells them their hours allocated goes yellow or blue and then the allocator adds their time in.
to calculate hours worked i used
and i'm going with a simple sum per column for hours available per day.
I sppose i can add in a countifnotblank so i can get the number of people working a day too.