I've started playing https://www.geoguessr.com/free after watching Geowizard on YouTube, which I think BTOBers could also find very addictive. Also, Geotastic, which is free. Basically, you get a random google street view spot and have to guess where in the world it is and get points for how close you get. It's a bit btob-ish, but without bikes and covers the whole world.
I've started playing https://www.geoguessr.com/free after watching Geowizard on YouTube, which I think BTOBers could also find very addictive. Also, Geotastic, which is free. Basically, you get a random google street view spot and have to guess where in the world it is and get points for how close you get. It's a bit btob-ish, but without bikes and covers the whole world.