Did this one last year but started it from my house, tweaked a section to pass my dad's front garden and ended it in Cambridge instead.
Route's really nice - some Sustrans bits which depending on recent weather would either be gravelly or squishy, but all doable on 28s.
The fens were awful and I hated riding through them.
Agree re BBC - did it a couple of years ago and really enjoyed the route: especially riding through the peak district. (Fens is tough but Radio 4 got me through)
Signed up for my first Audax in approx. 1 year on Sunday (The White Hart 200) - can't wait/a bit apprehensive as haven't really cycled at all over past 12 months...
Never got round to riding this one but looked good and probably not too much of a pain to get to from West https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31215183