I get this, but there's not just foxgloves, there's daffodils, lily of the valley, yew, wisteria, crocuses, rhubarb leaves, rhododendrons, obviously many mushrooms, most woodland plants, conkers, daphnes, delphiniums, most umbellifers, many houseplants, snowdrops, hellebores, ivy and probably a hundred more that you would find in your local park or the front gardens in your street.
I get this, but there's not just foxgloves, there's daffodils, lily of the valley, yew, wisteria, crocuses, rhubarb leaves, rhododendrons, obviously many mushrooms, most woodland plants, conkers, daphnes, delphiniums, most umbellifers, many houseplants, snowdrops, hellebores, ivy and probably a hundred more that you would find in your local park or the front gardens in your street.