The fence that's been destroyed separates a footpath that I don't think is part of the retail park from the A13, but then people also made a path through what used to be continuous shrubbery. With some thought, they could easily have worked out that this would be a pedestrian desire line, but nobody spent any time on it.
Ah, cheers. Where is that (can't read the bus stop flag)?
I've found quite a few, but most of them don't show up on StreetView. Here's one that does, at Gateway Retail Park in Beckton:,0.0653761,3a,39.5y,162.67h,87.59t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sENF88sYNe_OYj69Wmti4qQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192
The fence that's been destroyed separates a footpath that I don't think is part of the retail park from the A13, but then people also made a path through what used to be continuous shrubbery. With some thought, they could easily have worked out that this would be a pedestrian desire line, but nobody spent any time on it.