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Ha, I actually went there a few months ago because I wanted to have a look at this immense accretion of bad development. It did look familiar, in the way boring and uniform rubbish can look familiar. I rode out of 'Peninsular Park Road' (but didn't know it was called that) just opposite but had to cross on foot because there's no right turn.
Ah, cheers. Where is that (can't read the bus stop flag)?
I've found quite a few, but most of them don't show up on StreetView. Here's one that does, at Gateway Retail Park in Beckton:,0.0653761,3a,39.5y,162.67h,87.59t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sENF88sYNe_OYj69Wmti4qQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192
The fence that's been destroyed separates a footpath that I don't think is part of the retail park from the A13, but then people also made a path through what used to be continuous shrubbery. With some thought, they could easily have worked out that this would be a pedestrian desire line, but nobody spent any time on it.