Is data more... datery these days? I never used to use anything close to my limit and I'm not aware of using any more than usual. I use wifi at home and, funnily enough, have been mostly at home. I've had a couple of days where I've used it to tether a laptop but nothing major - not downloading docs / not watching films etc but for the past 3 months I've used more than my allowance. I'm fucked if I'm giving Vodafone even more money so I just go without data for a week or so until it renews. Is there a way to track data usage?
Yes, in the sense that there is an astonishing amount of bloat in seemingly light web pages. This has been a steady progression for at least two decades, so if your view is over a timescale of only months you shouldn't see a massive change.
Is data more... datery these days? I never used to use anything close to my limit and I'm not aware of using any more than usual. I use wifi at home and, funnily enough, have been mostly at home. I've had a couple of days where I've used it to tether a laptop but nothing major - not downloading docs / not watching films etc but for the past 3 months I've used more than my allowance. I'm fucked if I'm giving Vodafone even more money so I just go without data for a week or so until it renews. Is there a way to track data usage?