Or, just like accept that on 6700km of roads you might find some less than perfect conditions! :D
Yep just on numbers you're going to find some rough surfaces, be it detours, resurfacing or just unmaintained road. I once hit some road that had been torn up by the shredder machine but not yet surfaced. 10 miles of continuous rumble with no alternative. Sucked enough on 35c tires, let alone race setup.
Every race report I read mentioned sections of resurfacing.
There's also AC forums where people provide info about temporary issues:
https://www.adventurecycling.org/routes-and-maps/adventure-cycling-route-network/temporary-road-closures/ (https://forums.adventurecycling.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=d4peucm60qbep4o9bfmvni52d5&board=15.0)
and their twitter, where you could ask recent riders about roads:
Or, just like accept that on 6700km of roads you might find some less than perfect conditions! :D