You might see it on photo, but have some tortec bike pannier stays holding the windscreen a variable distance away. So that clear screen (the best of at least 6 I've tried) is meant to mount direct to the black plastic. At that distance it literally makes bike impossible to ride above 35 to 40mph.
Can move it around quite a lot, gets near vertical, supported at the base by some screws linked by some old fuel hose, allows adjustment in angle but doesn't flop about.
Up till last year had some abs plastic wing lets that I just riveted on down the side in that cutaway bit above indicator. Between all that makes it really well protected upto 55mph, with good view at ground. Keeps the worst of winter and wind off. But above 55 is just a pita.
You might see it on photo, but have some tortec bike pannier stays holding the windscreen a variable distance away. So that clear screen (the best of at least 6 I've tried) is meant to mount direct to the black plastic. At that distance it literally makes bike impossible to ride above 35 to 40mph.
Can move it around quite a lot, gets near vertical, supported at the base by some screws linked by some old fuel hose, allows adjustment in angle but doesn't flop about.
Up till last year had some abs plastic wing lets that I just riveted on down the side in that cutaway bit above indicator. Between all that makes it really well protected upto 55mph, with good view at ground. Keeps the worst of winter and wind off. But above 55 is just a pita.