Will be interested to see if it's an improvement getting a face full of wind. I've got my screen dialled in now but my neck muscles certainly improved on long fast rides before fitting a screen. Different bike of course. BMW often attract negative comments about the screens, not sure what they are doing wrong.
The bike looks great to my eyes.
I have that screen on the DR350. Granted my speeds are lower on it, but it was used fast a bunch of times over winter on road tyres. The trick was to get it as vertical as possible, so the lip at the top forces the turbulence somewhere other that on your visor. Also, you may benefit from increasing the distance between the bike and the screen. An air gap will allow a micro-current of air to reduce the significant change between air pressures where the buffeting happens.
Back in business. Rides best it ever has been, rear swing arm bearings been on the way out for donkies, makes a huge difference to confidence, though actual handling still the same! It's a bit low in the ass as still has original shock, tried a longer body shock to raise it, but raised too far, felt amazing on tracks, but the rest of the time was a total pita. Braking into corners you get actively jacked forward.
Just in time for the really good weather. Screen coming off it, fed up of buffeting problems, nothing really makes it go away
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