bit of a necrobump, but might have been me on this Dave - have been commuting out from Brockley for years on this. Frame is a bit of a heavyweight random mix, bought second-hand on eBay in a hurry when I trashed my previous road/commute frame - seattube sticker is Columbus PRX but the guy said he thought every tube was different. It was one of a pair of two matching Daves owned by this guy - one with lighter tubes and tighter clearances & this one with heavier tubes and generous clearances as the winter trainer. He was a bit chunkier than me, though, so I think it's a bit overweight for me. Feels indestructible for schlepping around town though. It's 59cm and tbh a bit small for me - that's a Technomic stem at max height...
Paint is getting a bit trashed on the driveside chainstay & elsewhere these days, have been thinking about getting some rack mounts added & a respray in a more jazzy colour (maybe with a fade...)
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Loving all the bikes^ up here. Glad @Flipflop is snapping these ones at Clapheaton. Great name too!
I spotted one in Brockley the other day. Rider was too fast for me to have a good look at it.