RE snails/slugs, I was fighting the good fight with vigour this year, out every night with headtorch, collecting as many as possible to deposit in local park. I think tried multiple beer traps. I got some pretty good numbers. I tried nematodes. But still it was a proper Sisyphusian task and they still decimated many plants/veg (bought an established Lupin when I wrongly thought I may have been winning - the entire foot+ of it, leaves stalks and all gone in 1 night). 4 courgette plants I grew from seeds, hardened off and finally planted out (when properly big, 5 big leaves etc). Every single leaf eaten the first night. Planted a row of pansies in a pot, every time a flower threatened to appear it would be munched through the next morning.
Finally, I gave up and tried these organic pellets. It says they're wildlife friendly and fine (when used as instructed) with crops. I put them out last week and the difference is black and white. Honestly, I just can't express my happiness that everything I plant isn't immediately destroyed. I appreciate very different if you have young kids that might eat anything (I'm sure a handful of these would not be on any parent's desired menu for their kids) but I can't recommend highly enough.
RE snails/slugs, I was fighting the good fight with vigour this year, out every night with headtorch, collecting as many as possible to deposit in local park. I think tried multiple beer traps. I got some pretty good numbers. I tried nematodes. But still it was a proper Sisyphusian task and they still decimated many plants/veg (bought an established Lupin when I wrongly thought I may have been winning - the entire foot+ of it, leaves stalks and all gone in 1 night). 4 courgette plants I grew from seeds, hardened off and finally planted out (when properly big, 5 big leaves etc). Every single leaf eaten the first night. Planted a row of pansies in a pot, every time a flower threatened to appear it would be munched through the next morning.
Finally, I gave up and tried these organic pellets. It says they're wildlife friendly and fine (when used as instructed) with crops. I put them out last week and the difference is black and white. Honestly, I just can't express my happiness that everything I plant isn't immediately destroyed. I appreciate very different if you have young kids that might eat anything (I'm sure a handful of these would not be on any parent's desired menu for their kids) but I can't recommend highly enough.