• #46452
Hah, yes, totally.
• #46453
Obviously it depends on the size of the roof but once you factor in scaffolding, repairs and materials the difference gets negligible.
Those old roofs are hyper inefficient too so if your bills / the environment bothers you then it should be changed IMO.
• #46454
the correct clay tiles and have a humongous bill.
Which you can triple straight away, given current prices.
• #46455
If it's the original roof, I'm guessing there's not been any loft conversion - do the roof when that gets built instead.
• #46456
Obviously it depends on the size of the roof but once you factor in scaffolding, repairs and materials the difference gets negligible.
I'm not sure about that. Cost of fixing ours is much less than repairing / replacing the flat roof behind it (£600 vs £8k). Obvs. the scaffolding cost is spread out across three different jobs (pitched repair, flat roof replacement, chimney stack repairs) and the scope of the repair job to ours is fairly limited.
• #46457
Insurance for removals companies, what's the deal? Some seem to offer cover that you have to pay for, but what are your basic, statutory customer rights?
• #46458
Mine had insurance as part of the price (and I'd have thought that would normally be the case with reputable ones) with a few exceptions such as watches and jewellery.
• #46459
Anyone else here trying to buy and really fucking bored of best and final offers? I'm just looking for sympathy or a simple HTFU to help brush it off.
• #46460
Can't say I've ever been involved in an best and final "auction" situation but any house I've ever offered on is slap in a bid to get a idea of how much of an offer they will take and then put my offer in as best and final. With a "well the offer stands until I find somewhere else, but I won't be changing it" maybe I'm looking at dumps nobody else wants ...
• #46461
That is lovely.
Guest appearance by this threads fave flooring -
• #46462
That's a lovely place but £1.8m? Surely a joke?
• #46463
For that money I'd want a kitchen that works and all the CH heating pipes to be chased, at least.
View probably worth a bit though!
• #46464
Don't come to Scotland where most places end up as a 2 week blind auction with no real possibility of changing the offer after the deadline.
• #46465
Location innit but yeah when I saw it on Wowhaus I was thinking £1.1-1.2 so bit out. I dunno how frothy the market down there is.
• #46466
Lewes + land yo.
Move it to a less desirable bit of Sussex and put it in an estate (housing), 1/3rd of that max.
• #46467
Them ‘we’re going to closing’cunts.
• #46468
Happening every time now, infuriating is the word.
• #46469
i can't decide if the approach is mulholland or underwhelming
https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8714548,0.0039806,3a,90y,150.88h,84.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4IZyE99brWm3ivKQWfL3Iw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 -
• #46470
Before you start faffing about chuck a bottle of this stuff in. No need to drain down after either just bung it in a towel rad and leave it.
• #46471
anyone know if chimney stack external repair is noticeable under party wall? A quick google hints that no, it is not (stack is being repaired on 'our side' and our responsibility but wondering if anyone has any experience that suggests the contrary?
• #46472
looks like street is called Rotten Row. i will go with underwhelming. cool house though. and neighbour has an ace old Ford Cortina estate.
• #46473
when I bought - admittedly a few years ago now - we were asked for a best offer ("they like you but you're the second highest offer" etc) and just said nope - that was our best offer. I guess it really depends on how hot the market is.
• #46474
Just instructed Stow Brothers to put our flat on the market, and put in a bid in for a Warner near us. I am utterly excited and terrified.
I know this isn't really what we do On Here but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who's helped me out on this thread - @jakemcree, @duncs, @stevo_com, @Tenderloin, @Howard, and loads more. I don't really come from a background of people who own homes, we're more council types, and there's so much to learn about homeowning that it can be utterly intimidating. Having a thread full of people who've been through this before, who are willing to share their knowledge, has made me feel so much less like a deer in the headlights than I otherwise would. I genuinely don't think I'd have ever owned my place if it weren't for this thread. LFGSS is a life-enhancing resource full of amazing people.
• #46475
Yeah this thread definitely helps deal with the madness of buying and selling :-)
Having someone not employed by you to work on your property is not a recipe for success.