• #2077
I’m thinking as square as possible
• #2078
I think I went with 5x5, stuck a few beans around the edge, they might climb up the outer ones or they might not. Will see.
Also got a little 3x2 block on a neighbouring bed. Hopefully close enough to the main block to pollinate. -
• #2079
5x5 seems good. It’s really annoying because all my stuff is in neat rows. This corn is going to ruin the feng shui
• #2080
Today’s effort
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• #2081
I was going to stake them with canes but I think something more robust might be in order, any ideas?
• #2082
Coppiced Hazel? Regular canes should be fine though?
• #2083
Definitely hazel. Dug out a bit of one of the compost heaps. Lots of lovely mulch.
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• #2084
No idea where to find coppiced hazel
• #2085
Hedgerows. But, yes, tricky in the London :(
• #2086
I’m near Peterborough so should be able to find something.
It would be good if I could find something that would grow but really slowly
• #2087
Ah! Hedgerows round here (Oxfordshire) have plenty of hazel mixed with beech and as they’ve been cut for beanpoles forever there’s always lots of sneaky coppicing with a billhook:)
• #2088
Are my artichokes ripe?
• #2089
I can’t tell
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• #2090
^ yes, get 'em before they open up.
• #2091
All of them or just the biggest ones
• #2092
Now what?
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• #2093
Deep fried.
• #2094
I watched a video on how to dismantle them. They don’t look how I remember them. I thought artichokes were a lot smaller. But we shall see, hopefully home made pizza with artichokes for dinner tomorrow
• #2095
(even) More net bodging
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• #2096
Done boring things like clearing the no mans land between our boundary and neighbouring houses of bramble and dug over a load of soil at the back, prob 3 bin bags of plastic dug out. Looks barely any different so no pics of that.
Time to contemplate the next move..
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• #2097
Manure acquisition
Comfrey production -
• #2098
I can confirm I’m rubbish at preparing artichokes. Especially small ones where there was virtually nothing left
• #2099
Very much this. I need to keep digging over the back boundary til I reach the corner cos I want to move my compost heaps there.
Got a ton of scalpings, grass and all sorts I need to layer up and get going properly in the right place. -
• #2100
Re: Comfrey. Any way to tell what is bocking 14 by looking at it? Seen various bits growing wild I could snag.
Sweetcorn aficionados, I know you have to plant in a block - I did a modest 4x4 last year - would 3x10 be enough of a block or is that a bit thin? I could probably get the row 4 plants wide but I know how my kids would try and squeeze past and break stuff.