These have aged well, always thought it was better looking than an Elise and 20 years later still think it does. Nice condition this one too, looks loads of summer fun. Vauxhall VX220.
Stupidly said no to buying a mates last of the last version (think it was yellow though) about ten years ago for not a lot of money, wow have they changed in price! Never got to drive it but went on a few trips with him, much preferred to the s2000
Friend has the 2.2na and we have discussed a track day, when he is back in the country and I have finally finished the the MR2 engine swap. So we can swap between the two to compare and contrast.
Actually were you comfortable as a passenger in a vx?
These have aged well, always thought it was better looking than an Elise and 20 years later still think it does. Nice condition this one too, looks loads of summer fun. Vauxhall VX220.