With garlic, the advice I follow (from Charles Dowding) is plenty of moisture until mid June, then drier towards harvest which is late June to mid July. Poke under the soil from mid June to see if the bulbs are swollen. Pull after loosening the soil once your happy with the size, or if plants have bad case of rust.
With garlic, the advice I follow (from Charles Dowding) is plenty of moisture until mid June, then drier towards harvest which is late June to mid July. Poke under the soil from mid June to see if the bulbs are swollen. Pull after loosening the soil once your happy with the size, or if plants have bad case of rust.
This book is my veg growing bible - https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/organic-gardening-the-natural-no-dig-way/author/dowding-charles/