• #2052
Dig one up, should be more obvious! My guess is leeks.
• #2053
I snap the flowers off Onions & Leeks you want the energy going into the root not the flower.
• #2054
I can fully recommend confit-ing
Can you recommend a recipe?
• #2055
I use as much oil as I need to cover the peeled cloves, then about 90c for about 40 minutes. Depending on how low your hob goes might need a bit of babysitting to keep at that temp - you want to avoid bubbling.
• #2056
Will definitely be doing this. Sounds great. I presume you store them in oil after as well?
• #2057
Yep, just keep them in the oil!
• #2058
Cheers, this sounds mouthwatering.
• #2059
What’s this for garlic?
• #2060
It is
• #2061
So my onions and garlic are just starting to turn as well so pulled a garlic but they look small to me? Thoughts? Think they went in oct/nov ish..
Some onions def look a bit chonkier tho.
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• #2062
Patience will reward. Iirc I think I was lifting my winter planted garlic around July last year.
• #2063
Cool, good to know, assumed that was the case but just checking the slightest turn wasn’t the sign the plant is done. My first onion crop lol
• #2064
There’s so much knowledge on the allotment but very few seem prepared to give it out.
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• #2065
Any good ideas regarding ‘wild bits’ We use woodchip paths, and so anywhere that wasn’t path/bed I have sowed wildflower seeds over the last couple of years. While I now have great swathes of meadowy areas, I’m concerned about (particularly grasses/dandelions) self seeding into my raised beds. Reluctant to just strim down everything, but also want to make sure it’s manageable.
• #2066
This is where we're all headed:
Seriously though, he seems to know his stuff so worth a follow.
• #2067
He was on GW a few weeks ago. He was great. Lots of horse manure was his advice.
The guy loves a potato
• #2068
Been following him for ages. He is one of the only good things on that hell website and seems a genuinely lovely chap.
• #2069
I'm guessing the leaves need to go a fair bit yellower. Mine have looked like this for ages. Garlic noob, though.
• #2070
With garlic, the advice I follow (from Charles Dowding) is plenty of moisture until mid June, then drier towards harvest which is late June to mid July. Poke under the soil from mid June to see if the bulbs are swollen. Pull after loosening the soil once your happy with the size, or if plants have bad case of rust.
This book is my veg growing bible - https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/organic-gardening-the-natural-no-dig-way/author/dowding-charles/
• #2071
"find yourself someone who loves you like that dude loves potatoes" etc. I reckon he thinks about spuds more than I think about bikes
• #2072
Scrappy, but effective (I hope.)
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• #2073
More bodging today.
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• #2074
There’s so much knowledge on the allotment but very few seem prepared to give it out.
On the other hand you really don't need someone like this ...
They do exist :)
• #2075
Is it time to harvest leeks yet?
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I have something flowering here but can’t remember what’s in there. Garlic, leeks a something else???
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