Maybe not a tablespoon, but a few grams (between 2-3 I'd guess) is the norm in the sorts of grinders I worked with in coffee shops. It's a tricky thing to measure directly and I'd be surprised if the Sage only holds a quarter of a gram. That's lower than both the Niche Zero & Baratza Sette which are the go-to for low retention grinders without spending ridiculous money.
There's also the point that not all retention impacts the coffee equally. The stale grounds left in the chute will have a much bigger impact than the stale coffee that ends up getting compressed and caked in all the nook & crannies. Given that the former will be stale coffee that ends up in your new shot, the latter will not.
I found this to be a pretty decent overview: https://clivecoffee.com/blogs/learn/grind-retention
How bad can retention be in some grinders? I've only owned two low to mid end grinders and both had a little bit of retention but easily less than one gram. On our Sage probably closer to quarter of a gram. Are there grinders out there that dump a tablespoon of previous grind out?