Cool, would love to see some progress pics when you get going!
I tend to go for 50mm based on both my own experience and what most bag makers are doing. I'd say the range is 45-70mm based on pedaling style, if you're particularly bow-legged or have a bike with wide Q-factor you could go even wider. On my Kona's frame bag I went with 70mm as the low top tube meant I did not have to worry about knee clearance and only had to clear the chainring.
I haven't done any tapered noses on frame bags, I always think it looks a bit clunky for fairly little benefit. If all goes to plan swijland's frame bag will be tapered to follow the twin top tube though. I've also done this on my top tube bags going from 40-45mm in the back and 60-70mm in the front. I do all my tapers in CAD because I cba with trigonometry, but it shouldn't be that hard really.
Bags look great. And that pink bike looks great. I’m just about to order som x-pac myself to sew some bags. I hope I can produce something of similar quality.
If I may ask, what with are the frame bags? Do you taper them?