Tom wanted change, just not that sort of change...
Boris Johnson (actually Lynton Crosby) won the London Mayoral election in 2008 with 'It's Time for a Change'. People really do fall for this sort of superficial crap. Most people pay little attention to what their vote will really mean--they are very easy to lie to with silly slogans (£350m etc.), not because they're stupid, but simply because they're busy, and they've never been taught about democracy properly--many just vote for what their family/social environment has always voted for. And why not? For generations, politics was relatively stable and you knew what the Blues and the Reds stood for. The fact that Boris Johnson is a massive risk for this country because like Trump he appears to be remote-controlled by the global kleptocracy is something that we've only had since Cameron and Osborne, and they quite reliably and viciously, though more than expected, shat on poor and vulnerable people, but even they weren't in favour of 'Brexit', a Putin tactic to begin the destabilisation of Europe, and I have no doubt that it was partly because of Johnson's past close association with C&O that many Tory Leave voters just sleepwalked into disaster. Whether that'll ultimately affect the Tories' electoral prospects is anyone's guess--how many fishermen and farmers are there? While the electoral map is being manipulated, a few losses here and there will be pre-calculated as manageable.
All that said, I do despair of people who say they love their cattle and talk about where the meat goes in the next breath.
Yeah I watched that in disbelief. Tom wanted change, just not that sort of change...