This is my current project, converting this wasteland into a usable grassed area.
Spent yesterday evening using harrows to rip up all the weeds and loosen the earth, then rolled it with a 8 tonne roller. Next stage is to use a stone burier and power rake to get it a bit leveller and remove a load of stone, will then seed it just before it rains next time, as no way am I watering it by hand…
This is my current project, converting this wasteland into a usable grassed area.
Spent yesterday evening using harrows to rip up all the weeds and loosen the earth, then rolled it with a 8 tonne roller. Next stage is to use a stone burier and power rake to get it a bit leveller and remove a load of stone, will then seed it just before it rains next time, as no way am I watering it by hand…
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