I have been getting to get wild flowers going on my lawn and I have to say it's quite a struggle if you don't peel the lawn up at all and just sow seeds. I'm in my 4th year and only just getting some results (and mostly a mono culture tbh)
At the very least I would say try and heavily rake before sowing
At the very least I would say try and heavily rake before sowing
my new lawn has gone down a bit too well, i reckon im a few years off creating a wildflower meadow strip. the lawn looked good with the grass seed crop yesterday. this year i will leave a 2 foot uncut border on both flanks ultimately it becomes weaker and the soil becomes loose, them i can introduce different grass types (not too invasive) and wild flowers. Any future lawn treatment i will focus in the centre trimmed area. In time i will add bulbs and annuals to the wild border to generate more interest. I am just grateful that a lawn has been laid and we can enjoy the garden this summer. Also mindful that i want pollinators around. most gardens here are concreted over some with very little nature
Thanks @ColinTheBald @hugo7, I’ve cut the lawn at the highest setting on the mower.
As I was doing my first pass I was thinking that in subsequent trips that I establish grass borders uncut for wildlife and sow wildflowers for contrast and grass height, I can’t be arsed to dig borders against each side fence with herbaceous plants.. I will just mow a rectangle in the middle to create something like this, it won’t be established this year but wild flowers to October would be ace .. then mow the lot before the frost returns