I done gas from I was like 15 till abiut 23 and then fucked it off and got back into it at 30. I had a steep learning curve, defo hard on your body but I think when your older you think a lot more instead of bashing right in.
If you are sick of your job and feel like it’s the best option for you, batter in.
Would you undertake a proper training course or get associated with a product or treatment and then sell that as a solution?
I would imagine it would be useful to have some experience in the field as well as classroom training and that kind of means apprentice. Then you are in competition with a group of younger cheaper guys who are also keen to learn.
I recommend getting training in any trades, it's a great way to avoid making a lot of mistakes. If you can afford real training and the time off it's a good idea. I trained and qualified as an electrician very late and as a consequence I only tackle minor works but I'm very happy to have had the training.
Is it wise for a man in his 40s to want to retrain to be a tradesman? I was think ing damp specialist....