OK - difference is tiny. The stepdown on one type is 3.7mm diameter, and the other lot is 3.4mm. Hardly enough to make any difference I'd say. I don't think it matters if it's a bit loose as the cable tension holds it in place and a little bit of wobble doesn't do any harm?
Thanks, I found a handful of others (not my hand) but they're all too large. The Campagnolo ferrule is 4mm, the diameter of the cable stop is 5mm. So every one the LBS has is too small. Driving me mad now! I'm 99% sure I need one with a 5mm inner diameter.
OK - difference is tiny. The stepdown on one type is 3.7mm diameter, and the other lot is 3.4mm. Hardly enough to make any difference I'd say. I don't think it matters if it's a bit loose as the cable tension holds it in place and a little bit of wobble doesn't do any harm?