How far is your commute? I got beasted by Zero DSR off the lights a while back - they're fast as fuck up to fifty or so. It didn't wheelie or anything, just boogied up the road. Did reel him in but it took full beans in second. I think they're probably unbeatable in the traffic light GP, save for something long, low and with massive grunt.
Squid on a TMax tried that with me on the XJ yesterday. Didn’t even realise til I engine braked for a red light and he flew past and wobbled to get his feet down slamming on the brakes.
How far is your commute? I got beasted by Zero DSR off the lights a while back - they're fast as fuck up to fifty or so. It didn't wheelie or anything, just boogied up the road. Did reel him in but it took full beans in second. I think they're probably unbeatable in the traffic light GP, save for something long, low and with massive grunt.