fact is, those less privileged tend to live in more polluted places
I find this pretty dubious. Council estates are more often than not de facto LTNs; yuppie flats are often built along main roads; A lot of posh-looking residential streets are actually all flat shares and even social housing and can have a wide range of income people living there. Etc etc. I think the answer is much more mixed.
(Signed, a white above average income do-gooder who lives on a main road)
Yuppie flats have often had the social housing next to the street at pavement level with the nice places on the riverfront or higher up. There is a move away from this but the roadside properties are seen as undesirable by the developers. Councils like H&F are taking money instead and enlarging estates by using land they already own. Hopefully not creating massive crowded ghettos!
Completely agree with your reflections on that.
I gather this has already been challenged quite convincingly. Can't remember where/who.
I guess I raised it because, unlike a lot of the spurious complaints about modal filtering (or 'cycle zones' if The Times is to be believed°), this one's quite a difficult one to argue against without looking like a privileged white dogooder - fact is, those less privileged tend to live in more polluted places.
°It's not!