Fair enough. Where you at @Jung ? I live in South Pas. Drinking some Ratio from LAMill this morning which is very nice. It's pretty dark for what they call a 'light' roast.
Also strongly, strongly recommend Quiet Prophet from Unincorporated Coffee in Altadena. Medium roasted but has exhibits no 3rd wave qualities whatsoever. Medium-dark with the following notes (according to them): FULL BODIED, SWEET AROMAS, TOASTED ALMONDS, CHOCOLATE.
I like Napoletan espresso - darker roasted, lower acid, rich, lots of Crema and small. Also like a bit of Robusta in there. I don’t altogether appreciate a lot of the 3rd wave stuff we get in LA. Reminds me a bit of natural wine, though I’ve had a few cracking shots too.
I’ll report back!