I had already made an appointment for dose 2 at 12 weeks, at the local ‘big vaccination place’ but was subsequently invited via the GP Practice for one sooner (which was pretty immediate but ended up being a 10-week gap).
I’m 45 so didn’t fit the over-50 threshold but in the Southwest we are well on with the cohorts - the text was right after that policy change to 8-weeks was announced so mustve been associated.
I had the GP surgery dose on Sat then went in to cancel the subsequent, original, booking like a good citizen would, and it’d disappeared. so the system seemed intelligent enough to know I no longer needed another jab.
Or.. it’d cancelled when I rebooked.
TLdR : I didn’t have to cancel in order to re-book.
How does that work if you've already booked your 12 week jab? You can't reschedule without cancelling your booking so I'd be wary of doing that