• I'm wondering if there would be any interest in a 5 inch newtonian reflector. It's a good bit of kit, quite old, but has seen very little use. It's an old skywatcher with a hefty equatorial mount and has an additional motor drive which can be put on it for tracking.

    I've relocated away from London and am getting some stuff shipped over in a few weeks. I just haven't used it enough to justify shipping it so would rather see it go to a good home.

    I'm pretty sure it's the same as this one - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265124642940?epid=26034037703&hash=item3dbaa9007c:g:bFQAAOSwVnxgHarg

    but I would be happy to take about £150 if anyone would be interested? It has all the bells and whistles of the one on the listing, just without the boxes. It also has an additional camera adapter for sticking a Fujifilm X-mounted body on it.

    It would be for pick up in SE13.
