I wanted one single mesh network for the whole house - thick internal brick walls and garden size meant the three repeaters in the house weren’t getting a strong enough signal to the end of the garden. This should mean that everywhere has nice fast wireless all on one network.
Yeah, we have that, except instead of using cat5 we are using these things but obvs. having them gobble sockets isn't ideal. But then no extra cables other than to / from the socket.
having them gobble sockets isn't ideal
Get the passthrough versions then, for example: https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/powerline/tl-pa4022p-kit/
(Mind you, I'd be going for the gigabit versions rather than 100Mbps.)
I wanted one single mesh network for the whole house - thick internal brick walls and garden size meant the three repeaters in the house weren’t getting a strong enough signal to the end of the garden. This should mean that everywhere has nice fast wireless all on one network.