Ran some cat5 cable from the house down to the garden office for a better wifi connection. I ran it along the top of the fence, want something to offer protection and not be but ugly or a pita to install - This should do? Also the hole I've taken the cable through the wall what's the best method of sealing? (clear sillicon?)
Oooh matron! But that looks good and worth ordering. I think the cable guard will be the tidiest solution, if a little more expensive but might use the flexible hose for when it goes out of site behind the trees
Ran some cat5 cable from the house down to the garden office for a better wifi connection. I ran it along the top of the fence, want something to offer protection and not be but ugly or a pita to install - This should do? Also the hole I've taken the cable through the wall what's the best method of sealing? (clear sillicon?)