• Hey everyone, hope this is a good place to ask advice. I'm after bookshelf/ desktop speakers recommendations (Googled for a bit but it was overwhelming tbh was hard to focus once i kept getting sucked into intense audiophile forums). I'm not an audiophile but appreciate and can recognise good sound.

    My music tastes are eclectic, i like listening to a lot of bass stuff as well (hip hop/ electronic etc) so they'd have to be decent at handling bass. Will use them with a computer for now but will get an amp at soe point soon. Right now my main listening is through Beyerdynamic dt770 pro 80 ohm (soo good)

    What does everyone think/ recommend. (budget sub £100 maybe more for something special?) also open if anyone here has something they're selling.

  • Will use them with a computer for now but will get an amp at soe point soon

    There's going to a big difference in suggestions between passive and active units.
